Hard Rock

Shape Up

Ken pool picture

Train with team K-rod

Olivia Nase and I are in training to get our pro cards in 2023. We are also accepting clients for Team K-ROD training, lending our experience and knowledge to those who wish to train alongside us. 

Are you tired of working out and never seeing any gains?

There is a reason you aren’t advancing.
Work with us and we can help you achieve the body of your dreams, with focused attention, proper form, and directed nutrition. 

If you are ready to get in the best shape of your life, it’s time to train with Team K-Rod.

What's Included in Team K-Rod Training Packages

focus on the whole body health and Fitness

Cardio Sessions

Specifically targeted cardio sessions aimed at helping to increase endurance, shed extra fat, and boost metabolism.

Fat Loss

Shed the extra weight so that you can visually see the gains you are making.

Custom diet plan

We create a customized diet plan that changes as you make progress.

Weight Training​

Proper form is everything. You can lift all day but if you aren’t doing it right you may just be wearing yourself out with no real gains.


If you want to build muscle and grow, you have to stretch. 

Contest Prep

No matter if it’s your very first show or 20th, having a coach is a necessity in order to hone and sculpt to the levels needed to place and win.